Wednesday, November 21, 2007

ICMC 2008 Call

The Sonic Arts Research Centre at Queen’s University, Belfast, in association with the International Computer Music Association and the Sonorities Festival of Contemporary Music, is proud to be hosting ICMC 2008. The Conference will take place between 24-29 August 2008 in Belfast, Northern Ireland.


The theme for 2008 is ‘Roots/Routes’. The Conference explores notions of placement and displacement in the context of music practice. It provides an opportunity for the investigation of the interface between technologies which develop through international collaboration and the specificity of music cultures rooted in a place.

The theme can be addressed through papers, compositions, installations and performances which explore the sense of place and context in relation to sound and technology. A growing list of conference topics can be seen on the website (see ‘Themes’ and ‘Recent Comments’ on We welcome contributions to the debate on this site. In addition to submissions addressing the conference theme, the organising committee welcomes submissions on all traditional areas of computer music.

Call will be online 12/1, submissions due 1/28, the conference is in Ireland - late August

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