Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Humanities Grant

I'm thinking about this for: audio doc on highway or maybe something else....

Grants for America’s Media Makers support media projects that explore significant events, figures, or developments in the humanities and offer creative and new approaches to humanities content.

America’s Media Makers projects promote:
- active exploration and engagement for broad public audiences in history,
- interactivity that excites, informs, and stirs thoughtful reflection and urges applicants to consider more than one format for presenting humanities ideas to the public.
- enable greater audience engagement with the humanities,
- encourage dialogue and discussion, and
- foster discovery-based learning across the age spectrum.

NEH offers two categories of grants for media projects, Development Grants and Production Grants.

Development grants enable media producers to collaborate with scholars to develop the humanities content and format and to prepare programs for production.
- including but not limited to meetings and individual consultations with scholars, location and archival research, preliminary interviews, preparation of program scripts, designs for interactivity and digital distribution, and the creation of partnerships for outreach activities and public engagement with the humanities.
- The product of development grants should be the refinement of the humanities ideas, a script, or a design document for (or a prototype of) digital media components or projects.
- may also result in a detailed plan for outreach and public engagement in collaboration with partner organizations.

applicants must have a solid command of the major humanities scholarship on the subject, have clarified the ideas the project will consider, and have consulted with a team of scholarly advisers to work out the intellectual issues the program will explore.

Applicants must:
-have made preliminary decisions about the format and storyline and located essential materials for the program(s).
- have recruited the appropriate media professionals, especially the producer, writer, or interactive designer.

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