Sunday, March 2, 2008

Paul Robeson Fund - Grant

May 15th deadline
Guidelines not up yet - should be up soon

Funding Guidelines for 2008 [PDF] are now under revision. You may reference the guidelines currently posted - linked and denoted as 'Application' in the green box on this page - with respect to overall criteria for these funds, but please do not use them in drafting any applications as some requirements and application forms will change for this year's cycle. Please read down for more information.

"When I started a youth media organization a few years ago, I never knew that finding funding for media work, even from progressive foundations, would be next to impossible. The Robeson Fund has believed in us from the very start. It took the courage of the Robeson Fund to give a substantial grant to our fledgling project. Simply put, because of that $7,500 grant, we were able to send media organizing trainers into three public schools for a six-month period. The students are now young media makers who are creating work that is being aired nationally, garnering recognition and awards."

Deepa Fernandes
Hear Our Voices/Radio Rootz
Robeson Fund Grantee

Named to honor singer, actor and civil rights activist Paul Robeson, the Fund supports media activism and grassroots organizing by funding the pre-production and distribution of social issue film and video projects and the production and distribution of radio projects, made by local, state, national or international organizations and individual media producers. The Fund solicits projects of all genres that address critical social and political issues, combine intellectual clarity with creative use of the medium and demonstrate understanding of how the production will be used for progressive social justice organizing.

The maximum grant award is $20,000; most grants range between $5,000 and $15,000. The Fund has one grant cycle a year, and the postmark deadline is May 15th.

The Paul Robeson Fund for Independent Media Funding Guidelines for 2008 [PDF] are now under revision. You may reference the guidelines currently posted with respect to overall criteria for these funds, but please do not use them in drafting any applications as some requirements and application forms will change for this year's cycle. Guidelines for The Paul Robeson Fund for Independent Media are expected to be posted by the end of February. We do not begin accepting applications until April 15th for the May 15th postmark deadline.

The OUT & Saguaro Funding Guidelines and Application Form for 2008 are now posted! Please do not use guidelines or application forms from previous years in drafting any applications as some requirements and application forms have CHANGED for this year's cycle. Updated guidelines for the The OUT Fund and the The Saguaro Fund are posted under these pages. We begin accepting applications as of February 1st for the March 1st postmark deadline. (For 2008 only, the postmark deadline is extended to Monday, March 3, 2008.)

FEX Activist-Advised Funds - and National Office Grantmaking Programs in general - support progressive social justice organizing work in the U.S., its territories and jurisdictions. Until further notice, there are no international grantmaking programs.

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