Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Call for Music - Sound & Music Computing Conference

5th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC08)
Berlin, Germany, July 31th - August 3rd 2008

Audio Communication Group

Space in Sound – Sound in Space
Call for music


Sound and Music Computing (SMC) is supervised jointly by AFIM
(Association Française d'Informatique Musicale), AIMI (Associazione
Italiana di Informatica Musicale), DEGEM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Elektroakustische Musik), and HACI (Hellenic Association of Music

It aims at promoting exchanges between European countries around
topics related to sound and music computing, and to give them an
international dimension.

The Fifth SMC 08, will be organised by the German Association of
Electroacoustic Music (DEGEM) in collaboration with the Department of
Audio Communication , Technische Universität Berlin / Germany. The
conference will take place at Technische Universität Berlin, July
31st - August 3rd, 2008.

Every era develops its specific, culturally defined awareness of
space as well as forms of its aesthetic reification. In music, we can
trace a development from an architectural place of sound to the
symbolical space of formal and structural projections and finally to
the imaginitiv, musically immanent space of compositional fantasy.
From thereon the actual space can be functionalised musically as one
possibility, it can, however, also be opened to and expanded by
technical spaces.
These, as digital simulations, enable both universal manipulation
and boundless scaling.

Thus, the conception of an "acoustic cyberspace" (Harenberg, 2003)
which is technically primarily
conveyed by time modes becomes constitutive for new aesthetical
conceptions of form as well as for the generation and manipultion of

The historical circle is opening nowadays, as the early form and thus
structure giving functions of space of the Renaissance as technical
and structural augmentations of compositional and formal principles
are finding a new "language of sound and form" through the acoustic
"Pearly Gates of Cyberspace" (Wertheim, 2000), which technological
fundamentals, backgrounds, fantasies and current applications the
SMC wants to fathom and investigate.

The Department of Audio Communication at the Technische Universität
Berlin, Germany, has at its disposal the worldwide biggest
permanently installed wave field synthesis system in its 700 seats
lecture hall.
During the 5th SMC „Space in Sound – Sound in Space“ works for this
system will be performed.
Moreover, this system will be augmented by the nearly 50 channel
Sound Dome of the ZKM Karlsruhe, the GRM Paris Acousmonium as well as
the from inside accessible Sound Globe of the HfG Karlsruhe which is
made of more than 50 speakers.

This combination of these divers sound systems allows a combination
of the systems themselves with their individual qualities as well as
enabling an analytical listening of the same works on diferent
systems under constant acoustic conditions.

The submitted works may be intended for the individual systems as
well as any possible combination thereof.
The scope of the works may range from single channel monophonic works
to multi-channel works for Acousmonium, Sound Dome or Sound Globe up
to Wave Field Synthesis or any combination of these systems.

Technical details about the systems to be installed will be shortly
described on the homepage of the SMC08:


Works presented will have to suit any of the following categories or
respectively combinations of these:

(1) Acousmatic works

(2) multi channel works (Sound Dome, Sound Globe)

(3) works for wave field synthesis.

Concerning works for intrumentalists and /or live-electronics please
contact us personally prior to submission as there is only a limited
budget available. Visual componets such as video /DVD are welcome.

Please send in the following formats: Audio-CD, DAT, DVD-Audio.
Videos please as DVD-Video, Stereo or 5.1, PAL or NTSC.
Other formats are only permitted after prior consultation.

We would hereby like to invite all interested to apply with suitable
works for the SMC 08 „Space in Sound – Sound in Space“. New as well
as already performed pieces are welcome.
Participation is open to any composer.

Works should not exceed a duration of 15 minutes.

The submitted pieces will be selected by a jury.

Participants of the SMC08 will not receive any fees. The event will
be registered with the German royalty collectors society GEMA.


During the SMC 08 the DEGEM WebRadio will be the medial platform of
the conference. It is our intend to create thus an international
medial forum.

In addition to the "SMC 08" you may also apply at the same time with
a production on the topic „Space in Sound – Sound in Space“ for the
programm of the DEGEM WebRadio which is also curated by the jury.

Any production should not exceed a duration of 30 minutes. Please
note that all works will be broadcasted in stereo and converted
into mp3 with a maximal resolution of 192 kBit/s.
Please indicate in your application if you are applying for the SMC
concerts only, the programm of the DEGEM Webradio only, or for both.

Competition Conditions

The selection of the works will be anonymous. Wokrs can be submitted
both by post or upload.
For application form and further information on the application
process please visit:

Deadline for Application:
Wednesday, May 15th 2008.

You may upload your work directly onto the server of the Technische
Universität Berlin. For application form and further information on
the application process please visit:

If you want to submitt your work by post please sent it to:
SMC 08 - Music
TU Berlin
Audio Communication Group
Sekr. EN-8
Einsteinufer 17c
10587 Berlin

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