Sunday, March 2, 2008

Call for Soundart

call: soundart for SoundLAB VI

February 27, 2008 at 10:03 am · Filed under calls: internal, soundart

Call for proposals
Deadline 30 November 2008

For its 6th edition, planned to be launched in March 2009, SoundLAB would like to demonstrate the power of sound as a tool for artistic creations, and is therefore looking for soundart works, or more precise, sound compositions which represent a real challenge for human imagination.

SoundLAB - sonic art project environments
is happy to launch the call for its next edition, entitled:

SoundLAB VI - soundPOOL
sound compositions - a challenge for imagination

In 2004, SoundLAB was launched as a corporate part of the global networking project [R][R][F]200x—>XP -
on occasion of BEAP - Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia 2004
but started soon also acting individually as an environment for sonic art.

Edition IV was launched in October 2006 under the title
“memoryscapes” - incorporating 144 artists and 235 soundart pieces
dealing with “memory and identity” in most different ways,
and it became corporate part of the media art show
://selfportrait - a show for Bethlehem - a show for Peace - presented in Palestine, Poland, Italy and Argentina, as an individual project it participated 2007 in FILE Hipersonica Sao Paulo
and FILE Rio 2008.

Edition V - soundSTORY - sound as a tool for story telling
was launched 2007 in the framework of NewMediaFest2007
presented online and on Int. Digital Art Festival Rosario/Argentina 2007 and
DIGITAL MEDIA 2008 Valencia/Spain

SoundLAB Editions I - V - can be visited on

Please download regulations and entry form as PDF

Regulations for
sound compositions to be submitted

1. Theme: soundPOOL - sound compositions a challenge for imagination
2.. one single piece of soundart may be submitted
3. exclusive soundformat: mp3
4. duration: minimum 3 min, maximum 15 min
5. each submission has to accompanied by an artists statement
about the creation of the sound work, used tools & concepts
6. the artist/author keeps all rights on the submitted soundwork and statement
7. the work to be submitted has to be posted on a webpage for download,
including artist bio and statement
7a. –> if no own website is available, alternatively the film can be submitted via an upload/download service, for instance, SENDSPACE - - a free service, after upload send the link, and CologneOFF downloads the film then.
8. the complete entry form including the requested info material
has to be submitted via email

Entry form


full name
short biography/CV (not more than 300 words in English)


title (one work only)
URL for download
statement (no more than 1000 words in English)
The submitter declares and confirms
that he/she is holding all author’s rights
and gives permission to include the submitted work
in “Soundlab” until revoke.
Signed by (submitter)

Please cut and paste this form and send the complete submission, including artist bio and statement in plain email, RTF file format or WORD. doc

subject: Soundlab edition VI

Deadline: 30 November 2008

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