Saturday, November 15, 2008

Place/Video call

Investigations of Place

Author and theorist Lucy Lippard defines “place” as “space plus memory.” Separate from landscape art, investigations of place explore how the landscapes of personal places such as homelands, childhood homes, and ancestral spaces take on new forms when combined with memories and individual experiences. We are asking for submissions that successfully use video to illustrate personal narratives imprinted on landscapes, and landscapes imprinted on personal narratives, videos that use experimental imagery to explore how spaces are remade once they are remaining in the mind, and videos that strive to define and delve into the concept of place.

Three to Nine videos will be chosen for participation in the Jersey City Museum’s Media 1×1 series. The videos will play on three screens on the first floor of the museum from May – September 2009. Please submit unformated DVD’s, NTSC format only, preferably .MOV, and include a short synopsis of the work and your contact information. Please send entries, postmarked by March 6, 2009, to:

Investigations of Place Video Program
Jersey City Museum
P.O. Box 428
Jersey City, NJ 07303-0428

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