Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Missouri Review - Audio competition

Audio & Video Competition Guidelines (2008)
[View the 2007 winners here.]

These guidelines are also available in PDF format. You can download the entry form here.

The Missouri Review invites all writers and writers/producers to participate in our 2008 Audio & Video Competition. We have categories suitable for all kinds of writers.

Voice-Only Literature

If you have a short story, a piece of creative nonfiction, or poetry that you think worthy of recording, enter this category. Pieces in this category are author-read and will not contain other tracks of sound (no music beds or sound effects, etc.) Entries will be judged on literary merit and technical proficiency. Note: Poets may enter one or more poems as a single entry as long as the total recorded time does not exceed the six-minute limit. A how-to guide (MS Word doc) for creating your own recordings is available here.

Time: 6 minutes or less.

Category Award Amount: $1500; $500 each sub-category

Narrative Essay

Just as in a personal essay, the subject matter and approach is broad. The “I” is present, and the essay is authorread. Additionally, the entry may contain additional layers of sound, including music, ambient sounds, sound effects, etc. Entries will be judged on literary merit, technical proficiency, and use of sound.

Time: 7 minutes or less.

Category Award Amount: $1,000.


This category is devoted to pieces that examine in some depth a time, place, person, event, pastime, trend, or other noteworthy topic. Entries will be judged on the strength of the writing and reporting, technical profi ciency and use of sound.

Time: 10 minutes or less.

Category Award Amount: $1,000.


Filmmakers, videographers, screenwriters, and playwrights, enter the Creative Short category. This broad category includes everything from a filmed scene that stands on its own to a videographed 10-minute play to a comedic or satiric sketch, as well as other video/film shorts. Other writers, video and film artists, enter the Video Documentary category. In addition to short documentaries on any subject or historic period, interviews of authors and author presentations are welcome, as well as any topic of interest to a general literary audience. Entries will be judged on strength of the script and subject, ability to meet its objective (stated or unstated i.e., a comedic short that’s funny, or an author interview that is informative, fresh and insightful), technical proficiency, including sound and lighting, and acting talent, if appropriate to the category.

Time: 10 minutes or less.

Category Award Amount: $1,000; $500 each sub-category.

Editors’ Choice Award

Also, up to 5 finalists selected from all categories will receive the Editors’ Choice Award and a cash prize of $100 each. Winning entries will be featured on the website of The Missouri Review, as podcasts, and made available to subscribers.

All entries must be produced in English.
Entry Fee And Deadline

$24 for each entry. You may send multiple audio or video pieces in a single envelope, but each piece must be submitted on a separate CD or DVD. (For example, three entries on three CDs, with a total payment enclosed of $72.) Each entrant receives a one-year subscription to The Missouri Review magazine.

Entries must be postmarked by December 1, 2008.

Payment may be made by credit card, check or money order. Checks in US dollars should be made payable to The Missouri Review.

Technical Requirements

Audio entries are accepted on CD only. CDs should not contain any audio other than entry material. Submit video entries on DVD as video (not data) that can be read by a standard DVD player for TV or computer screening.

Submissions Must Include

a completed entry form for each entry (download the entry form)
a copy of the entry on a CD or video DVD, labeled with writer/ producer, title and length
a brief program synopsis (short writer/producer bio optional)
the entry fee payment
Send Entries To

The Missouri Review Audio & Video Competition
357 McReynolds Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211

For More Information
E-mail us at:

A basic how-to guide for producing simple voice recordings is available here (MS Word file).

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