Saturday, December 8, 2007

Service Learning Article - Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning

Do You Want to be Published for Your Service Learning Work?

Abstract DONE - Finish paper concentrating on multidisciplinary by March 31 2008

This is a call for abstracts for volume 15 (fall 08/ spring 09) of the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL;

The MJCSL is the premiere international journal devoted to service-learning research, theory, pedagogy, and other matters relevant to curriculum-based (academic) service-learning in higher education. It is published at the University of Michigan Ginsberg Center.

To keep up with the expanding civic engagement field, beginning with volume 15 the MJCSL will expand its purview. In addition to research, theory, pedagogy, and other relevant issues to curriculum-based (academic) service-learning, the MJCSL now also will review articles focused on:

University-community partnerships
Engaged/public scholarship (faculty work which involves and benefits a community AND advances a faculty member’s scholarship or creative work)

Please submit by December 20th, 2008 an abstract or précis no longer than one-page that reflects the gist of your planned article submission. Abstract submissions that fit within the purview of the MJCSL and appear to satisfy MJCSL quality thresholds will be invited to submit a complete paper. The invitation will be sent via e-mail no later than January 15th. Complete articles will be due the last Monday in March (the 31st).

Additional submission guidelines may be found at the MJCSL webpage at

Contact info:; 410-704-3921.
From Michigan Journal's page:

Since 1994, the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL) has been the premiere national, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles written by faculty and service-learning educators on research, theory, pedagogy, and other issues related to academic (curriculum-based) service-learning in higher education.

To keep up with the expansion in the civic engagement field, beginning with volume 15 the MJCSL will expand its purview. We will now review articles focused on:

* University-community partnerships
* Engaged/public scholarship (work which involves and benefits a community
AND advances a faculty member�s scholarship or creative work)
* Academic (curriculum-based) service-learning

The MJCSL submission process remains the same: submit an abstract/precis by December 20th, the editor will invite submissions based on these abstracts by mid-January, and articles are due the last Monday in March for consideration in the next volume year.

Authors are welcome to contact the editor, Jeffrey Howard (

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