Jan 21 2008
The ATMI 2008 Program Committee invites the submission of proposals for the 2008 Conference. The concurrent national conferences of ATMI and the College Music Society will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, September 25-28, 2008. Proposals dealing with any aspect of technology in music instruction and/or electronic performance are welcome. The Association is particularly interested in presentations that focus on
* Music technology curricular and programmatic interests
* Online music instruction: local, regional, national, and international
* Multimedia: integrating text, graphics, video, audio, etc.
* Creative pedagogies/technological tools: music learning, composition, etc.
* Performance incorporating music technology
* Uses of MIDI, digital audio, etc. in ensembles
* Research on the effectiveness of music technology
* Student-created projects involving music technology
ATMI will recognize outstanding presentations in two categories. Monetary awards will be given for the best conference-wide presentation ($100) and the best student presentation ($250). In order to qualify for the student award, the presenter must be enrolled as a student at the time of the conference.
Faculty members should encourage outstanding students to submit proposals. Additional information on these
awards may be found at the ATMI website
January 21, 2008. A complete Proposal Form is included at the end of this announcement. A downloadable
version is available at the ATMI website
The conference will offer a variety of presentation formats, including papers, panels, demonstrations, training sessions/workshops, electronic poster sessions, and performances involving technology software/hardware.
In addition, the intended audience will be identified with regard to prior music technology experiences or comfort level (e.g., general, novice, intermediate, or advanced). Presenters are encouraged to reserve five minutes at the end of their time slots for brief question and answer periods.
Presenters are strongly encouraged to propose electronic poster sessions. This venue is particularly appropriate for graduate students engaged in relevant and timely research. These will follow the usual electronic poster session format.
A Conference Proceedings Index will be available, which will point to presenter's sites to provide centralized access to conference topics.
Proposals dealing with any aspect of technology in music instruction and/or electronic performance are
welcome. The Association is particularly interested in presentations that focus on:
* Music technology curricular and programmatic interests
* Online music instruction: local, regional, national, and international
* Multimedia: integrating text, graphics, video, audio, etc.
* Creative pedagogies/technological tools: music learning, composition, etc.
* Performance incorporating music technology
* Uses of MIDI, digital audio, etc. in ensembles
* Research on the effectiveness of music technology
* Student-created projects involving music technology
The Association strongly encourages students to present their own projects, though a faculty ATMI member
may submit the official proposal.
ELECTRONIC PERFORMANCE: The Association renews its efforts to present musical performances
featuring the use of MIDI, digital audio, or other media technologies. If relevant, the proposal should include
specific information regarding the ensemble and its relation to curricular goals. Encouraged are solo, chamber,
or ensemble performance proposals, demonstrations of unique electronic instruments, or performance-related compositional activities involving music technology. (If you know of performers, ensembles, or presenters that meet this description, please forward this message to the appropriate person!) NOTE: ATMI cannot provide funding/compensation for the travel or lodging of any performers. At least one person involved in the presentation (e.g., director, performer, composer) must be an ATMI member. Submitting a proposal indicates the intent to attend the conference and deliver the presentation.
PAPERS AND PANELS: Traditional academic papers and panels dealing with music technology in any manner are welcome.
DEMONSTRATIONS: Appropriate are demonstrations that focus on newly authored software from all aspects of the music curriculum. We also encourage demonstrations on existing software that are especially useful in instructional and creative purposes. Especially welcomed are applications that take an innovative approach to
music teaching and learning. Proposals should include a complete description of the software's design and its use in the teaching environment.
TRAINING SESSIONS/WORKSHOPS: People looking for practical ways to expand their skills often attend ATMI sessions. The Program Committee would like to serve this constituency by offering short training sessions tailored to attendees with novice and intermediate skill levels. Submissions in this category should focus on the presenter's level of experience and background. A one-hour limit will be placed on these workshops. Presenters will need to provide the appropriate software, preferably on CD-ROM. NOTE: We will have a lab of Apple computers, each with a MIDI controller, connected via a group education controller available for these sessions. Special consideration may be given to those who take advantage of this lab.
ELECTRONIC POSTER SESSION(S): The conference will host at least one computer-based poster session,
in which multiple presenters will concurrently show material in a large display area. Especially encouraged are
one-on-one or small-group presentations or demonstrations of research, interactive music lab software, work in progress, and examples of student work. Proposals should include a complete description of the material to be presented. If appropriate, graphic images or actual software samples may be included with a proposal
submission, but should be clearly described in the text of the proposal. NOTE: Poster session participants must supply all necessary presentation hardware and software.
NORMAL CONFERENCE EQUIPMENT: As in the past, the ATMI room will be equipped with a data projector and moderate sound system. At least one synthesizer and a MIDI Interface (USB) will be available.
All INTERNET-BASED PRESENTATIONS should be designed to run locally (i.e., without actual connection to the Internet) due to the unpredictability of conference facility telephone/network lines. If an actual connection is *essential* to your proposal, this must be indicated in the Specialized Equipment/Software portion of the proposal form.
Details regarding specific hardware configurations and installed software in the lab room will be available
immediately prior to the conference. However, you should be prepared to provide whatever non-standard
software and/or hardware is required for your presentation.
ATMI members who can supply (i.e., bring with them) any of the equipment listed here are highly encouraged
to contact the Program Chair. This will help to defer the significant cost of equipment rental.
Presenters are expected to supply their own laptop computers, which must be appropriately configured to
work with typical data projectors. Consult your local dealer if you are unsure about compatibility issues.
* Completed Proposal Form (included at the end of this e-mail)
* PAPER, PRESENTATION, and DEMONSTRATION proposals must be submitted for blind review. Authors
must exclude references to individuals or institutions within the body of the proposal that might compromise
this process. Proposals for papers should include clear statements of background, methodology, content to
be covered, and conclusions. Demonstration proposals may be accompanied by a Training Session/
Workshop proposal. Prior to submission to the Program Committee, these proposals may be edited by the
Program Chair as needed to facilitate the blind review process.
* TRAINING SESSION/WORKSHOP proposals must be submitted for blind review. Authors must exclude
references to individuals or institutions within the body of the proposal that might compromise this process.
The presenter may also propose a Demonstration session to precede the Training Session/Workshop. Include
a detailed list of software, CPU requirements, and all other equipment required to present the session as
proposed. Prior to submission to the Program Committee, these proposals may be edited by the Program
Chair as needed to facilitate the blind review process.
* PANEL proposals must clearly describe the purpose of the presentation and should list the proposed
participants and their qualifications in relation to the presentation topic. Prior to submission to the Program
Committee, these proposals may be edited by the Program Chair as needed to facilitate the blind review
* Electronic PERFORMANCE proposals should include the name of the primary contact person (performer or
director), a description of the proposed performance, an excerpt of a recent performance, a statement
describing the purpose/mission of the performance medium and its relationship to music education, and any
other relevant information. If ATMI is expected to provide any equipment other than that described above, a
detailed list must be submitted. It may not be possible for ATMI to supply additional equipment. Prior to
submission to the Program Committee, these proposals may be edited by the Program Chair as needed to
facilitate the blind review process.
Jennifer Sterling Snodgrass, Chair (Appalachian State University)
Bruce Frazier (Western Carolina University)
Cynthia Gonzales (Texas State University-San Marcos), organizer for ATMI 2009
Gena Greher (University of Massachusetts, Lowell)
Dan Hosken (California State University, Northridge), organizer for ATMI 2007
Keith Mason (Belmont University)
Ken Smith (Western Michigan University)
Kim Walls (Auburn University)
All proposals should be e-mailed directly to
proposal" in the subject line. Multiple proposals by the same presenter should be sent in separate e-mail
Hard-copies will NOT be accepted unless materials absolutely cannot be submitted/read electronically.
Please check with the program chair before submitting any hard copies.
Electronic Performance excerpts should be sent as an mp3 (or other compressed format). Maximum total
size of excerpts should not exceed 3 MB. If electronic transmission proves unworkable, excerpts may be be
sent via snail mail. Please limit excerpts to 3 to 5 minutes.
Snail Mail address:
Jennifer Sterling Snodgrass
ATMI 2008 Program Chair/School of Music
Appalachian State University
Broyhill Music Center
Boone, NC 28608
Proposal receipt will be acknowledged by return e-mail within three days.
NOTE: With the exception of individuals not listed in the program booklet (such as student/professional
performers or technical assistants), presenters must be fully paid members of ATMI at least one month prior
to the conference. All presenters whose names are included in the program book are expected to register for
the conference.
Complete and e-mail the form below within the body of the email in plain text to:
Include the words "ATMI proposal" in the subject line.
NOTE: Do *not* quote or include any of the preceding text!
PROPOSAL FORM -- Must be completed for *each* ATMI 2008 session proposal:
Background Information (Numbers 1-8 will not be forwarded to program committee)
1) Proposal Author(s) and Institutional Affiliation(s):
2) Biography of each participant, performer, or ensemble (150 word limit):
3) Brief biography (50 word limit!) that will be used for introduction at the conference:
4) All e-mail addresses that you regularly access: (If multiple presenters are to be included, please provide
email addresses for ALL presenters, listing the primary contact first)
5) All phone numbers at which you can be reached:
6) Mailing address (if necessary for official communication):
7) Due to *unavoidable* conflict I absolutely *cannot* present on the following date(s):
No Conflicts Exist
September 25
September 26
September 27
November 28
Explain unavoidable conflict:
8) List all other non-ATMI proposals that you are submitting for the Atlanta 2008 meeting:
9) Proposal Title:
10) Intended Audience (delete all but one):
General (little or no experience)
Novice (minimal experience)
Intermediate (uses many apps., doesn't write code)
Advanced (very experienced, may incl. programming)
11) Presentation Topic (delete all but one):
Music technology curricular and programmatic interests
Online music instruction
Creative pedagogies/technological tools
Performance incorporating music technology
Uses of MIDI, digital audio, etc. in ensembles
Research on the effectiveness of music technology
Student-created projects involving music technology
Other (please specify)
12) Internet Connected
Is Internet Connection Desired (delete one):
Is Internet Connection Required* (delete one):
*NOTE: All presenters are advised to prepare an offline version of the presentation in case of connection
failures during the conference.
13) Presentation Format (delete all but one):
Must be compatible with the Apple lab.
Panel Participants and Institutional Affiliation:
ELECTRONIC PERFORMANCE (complete if appropriate/known):
Group Name:
Equipment I cannot provide:
OTHER (be specific):
14) Presentation Description (2000 word limit!) [Reminder: this item must be anonymized for blind review]:
15) Single-paragraph ABSTRACT suitable for inclusion in program (150 word limit) [Reminder: this item must
be anonymized for blind review]:
16) Requested Presentation Period (delete all but one):
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
Approximate duration for electronic performance: ______
Other (explain):
Please note: Attempts will be made to provide presenters with the time requested for their sessions, however,
due to the complexities of scheduling, presenters understand that they may be required to adjust for a shorter
or longer time slot as assigned.
17) Specialized Equipment/Software that I *cannot* provide:
Internet connection is *essential* to my presentation.
Other (be specific):
18) Other information that may be helpful to the Program Committee:
* INCOMPLETE PROPOSALS will *not* be reviewed.
* SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 21, 2008.
* E-mail to
Include the words "ATMI Proposal" in the subject line.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
ATMI Proposals
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